Welcome everyone to February month! Kristianstad student union hopes that January month has been good to you and that February month will be even better! We also hope that you have renewed your membership!
Things that have happened:
The first and biggest thing that happened in January was that Kristianstad won the student city of the year, WOOOOOHHHOOOOO!!! We here at Kristianstad student union would like to give our thanks to Kristianstad municipally and Kristianstad University, we would also like to give our thanks to SFS (Sweden’s National Union of students) for giving out the price.
We here in the office of the student union have actually started working for real now, we have been to a lot of meetings and have started planning for the future! We have had Coffee with the Union in hopes of gathering more members and informing them of what the student union does behind the scenes.
The student union board has hade their first board weekend get together/planning session, where we went over our governing documents which was very exciting (totally not hyperbole) yippie!
There was lots of planning for future events and teambuilding, the board is now a very strong team in line with THE AVENGERS but without the superpowers. Our dear President Hugo Olsson learned how to call for meetings so hopefully he can do it right next time we have a meeting!
Hugo and David (Kristianstad student unions best and only Vice President) had some introductory presentations about what the student union does, what the benefits are for being a member and what future events we have planned.
Speaking of our dear President, Hugo has been traveling a lot the last week where he first was at a meeting for European Universities initiative with the student proxy Agnes aka the IT pro.Hugo was only there for a day and then had to leave Agnes alone with a bunch of teachers and other personnel. Hugo then took the train to Ultuna which is just outside of Uppsala to be a part of a membership meeting with SFS (Sweden’s National Union of students) where he represented the student union of Kristianstad. Hugo got to meet 2 of the ex-Presidents of the student union and they send their regards to all the students here as well as the personnel of the University. Unfortunately, there was a lot of problems with the train to and from Uppsala so poor Hugo had to wait a lot.
The board also had a meeting with the student organization Cefyrekon to increase the cooperation of the union and Cefyrekon. We here at the student union hope for good future cooperation!
Things that will happen:
The 8th of February the social committee Sexmästeriet will be holding a pubthursday so if you want to join you will need to be a member of the student union and also have bought a ticket from the Orbi app.
The 16th of February Cefyrekon will be holding an afterski themed party so get your Skiing glasses and your long underpants ready and get ready to party! We here at the student union recommend you go if you are looking for a good party! Their afterski themed party last year was a really big success! If you want to go you need to be a member of Cefyrekon which you can become for free, you will also need to have bought a ticket which you can do through the Orbi app. If you want more info you can find them on their Instagram: @Cefyrekon
The sexmästerie will be holding a party during the 24th of February where the theme will be Love, the party will be in house 6 if you want a good party and good company you should go! If you want to go you need to be a member of the student union and have bought a ticket in the Orbi app.
The sexmästerie will also be holding a game night during a weekday sometime during late February, there will be nice company and a wide variety of games to choose from!
I suggest you follow Sexmästeriet or Kristianstad student union on Instagram if you want more information regarding events!
Kristianstad student union wishes YOU (yes you reading this) a happy continuation of February and good luck on your studies! I (Kristianstad student unions best and only Vice President) want to personally thank you for reading this!