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The nomination committee's recommendations for the business year 2023

Here you will find them as the election committee recommend to the union board 2023

The nomination deadline was September 15, and since then the selection committee has been working on interviewing all the people nominated. In this post, you can see who the selection committee has recommended for the various positions.

It is also from now on possible to send in counter-nominations if you believe that someone other than the nominations committees recommendation should be elected to a position. October 1 is the last day to submit a counter-nominee. You send the counter-nominees to the selection committee at:

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For president of the board 2023, the nomination committee recommends Hugo Diebitsch Antoni with 100% remuneration.

Through his commitment and experience as vice president as well as previous roles within Kristianstad student union organization, the nomination committee believes that Hugo has a good knowledge to assume the role of president of Kristianstad student union and with this also a drive to continue driving the union forward. Hugo wants to work for a good understanding between AU and other members by seeing and hearing everyone in the group and wants to raise everyone voice. We in the nomination committee think this creates a good prerequisite for being a good leader and chairman of the Kristianstad Student Union. 

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For vice president of the board 2023, the nomination committee recommends Marcus Sjögren at 100% remuneration.

Marcus agreement within the Kristianstad student union has always been great. His previous experiences as vice-chairman of the social committee and previous social committees make him a good link between social committee and AU. Marcus has good social skills and enjoys getting to know new people, he also finds it rewarding to learn new things and challenge himself, and looks positively on being responsible for the various work areas that belong to a vice chairman. Which are good conditions for the role of vice chairman that he has applied for. In addition to this, Marcus strives to create an organization where everyone feels welcome and seen. 


For Student proxy for board 2023, the nomination committee recommends Natalie Meister at 50% remuneration.

Natalie passion for helping students and with experience and knowledge from her education, Natalie is an excellent person to be on the students side. She thinks it is important to spread knowledge at the university about students rights and obligations. Her perspective and knowledge is like a breath of fresh air in the organization, which can help the student union to develop further. We also see that Natalie has the opportunity to elevate the role of the student representative both in the university and also in the student union. She radiates empathy, which is an essential part of the role, as you can meet students with concern and confusion. Natalie multilingualism is seen as a great advantage to the role of student representative. 

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For Study Social Coordinator for the 2024 financial year, the selection committee recommends 50%remuneration Daniel Matancic.

With his previous experience as chairman of the student association Cefyrekon, Daniel has very good abilities to both manage and organize student social events. With his visions of merging all student life at Kristianstad University, opening a student bar and expanding the Kristianstad student union's sponsors and cooperation, the selection committee considers Daniel the given choice for this position.

Motnominering till Studiesocial Samordnare


Hello! My name is Mathilda Göransson and I want to counter-nominate myself for the post of student social coordinator. I have been in this position since May 2023 and, due to the new role, I have shaped it in a way that I considered beneficial for the corps and its members. I have sat on the union board since January 2023 and have attended all board meetings, so I am already familiar with the union's operations and how it is managed. As the majority of the corps' board is being replaced, I also consider it a security to keep someone who is already familiar; in addition to my actual skills, this experience would be very good to keep in the corps!


During my time as student social coordinator, I have put a lot of ideas into motion and started to build a structure over the post, something I believe makes me the perfect candidate to keep for another year, to strengthen the influence of the role and make the students' study time as valuable as possible! If there's one thing I have, it's the will. 


An ability I possess with pride is my social skills, something that is extremely important for the holder of the post. I have started to create relationships with Kristianstad's business community, and I think it would have been a great security for our partners to see a familiar face. Besides that, I don't think it directly hurts that I'm generally nice too!

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The nominations committee recommends Emilia Nilsson as president of the Sexmästeriet/board member for the board 2023. 

She is an energy bomb who is passionate about leading and developing sex mastery to new heights. Emilia has big plans for the organization and  she is not afraid to speak up, but stands up for what she thinks is right. She also has a good ability to  listen to everyones voice in a group and wants to make sure that everyone in the group feels good. From previous work experience, she also has a good stress tolerance and knows what needs to be prioritized to drive a project forward. These qualities mean that we in the nomination committee want to recommend Emilia for the role of president of Sexmästeriet/ board member of the union board. 

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The nomination committee recommends Anton Glader for Vice-Chairman of Sexmästeriet/board member for the board 2023.

He radiates calmness and trust in those around him and has a good ability to see and hear the group wishes and needs. But also dont forget to see and hear the individuals in the group. Anton has been involved in Sexmästeriet since earlier this year and now feels that it is time to develop and take on greater responsibility. Through his previous experiences both within this organization and the corresponding organization in Malmö, he now possesses the knowledge that can be significant for the development of social committee. In professional experience but also something he is currently studying. We believe that Antons qualities and experience can be a good prerequisite for the role of vice chairman of the Sexmästeri/member of the union board. 


The election committee recommends Natalie Anzelius as board member for Kristianstads student union for the board 2023.

She currently sits on the union board in 2022 and wants to continue developing and promoting art-interested students at HKR. She is studying to become a leisure educator and is a positive, flexible and caring person who shows an interest in learning more together with others. She is particularly passionate about promoting a community where everyone can come and feel safe and welcome both to meet others and to get help and answers to questions.  

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