Kristianstad is the Student City of the year 2024!

During 2023 the then Union board, Kristianstad University and Kristianstad kommun collaborated so that we were able to win this price!
This award is given out by SFS (Sveriges Förenade Studentkårer, it is a collection of all student unions from across Sweden) to the city that they feel has worked the hardest to make life easier as a student.
During the collaboration The Union board together with Kristianstad University and Kristianstad Kommun have worked with projects such as Bed & Study, Student Friendly, good housing options and the general cooperation between students and the educational institution.
These are the factors that allowed Kristianstad to win the award.
The current Union board together with Kristianstad University and Kristianstad kommun will continue the cooperation the further make Kristianstad a better city for students.
There will be a celebration in the city center, the date is uncertain as it is still undergoing planning more information will come later.
For more information follow the link below: