Hello all dear readers!
We hope that the semester has continued to be kind to you and we in the Kristianstad student union of course welcomes you to the last month of the year, December.
What has happened:
The first and biggest thing that has happened is that the Kristianstad student union 2024 has started
The other thing that has happened is that HKR together with us in KSK have had the last &Quiz for the semester, unfortunately the usual Quizmaster could not participate as he had accidentally double-booked himself.
The current union board was invited to a goose dinner organized by HKR, there were high-ranking people from HKR and the business community in Kristianstad, it was very exciting to participate and network with all the different people who were there.
KSK has also together with Cefyrekon organized a fine sitting which was super duper fun! Already looking forward to the next sitting :)
In addition to that, everyone on the Kårstyrelsen has continued with their usual work by carrying out student influence across the entire HKR.
What will happen: The first thing that will happen is that Kristianstad will have its own music help in the small square.
We in the Kristianstad student union, together with HKR and Kristianstad municipality, will contribute to this, so please come to lilla torg on December 13, 10-18 In addition to that, Sexmästeriet will have a bowling night, so take a look at their Orbi if you're interested, tickets are selling fast!
The current board of course continues with its handover work and we can already say that next year will be really good!
Final words:
That's all for this time, we in the Kristianstad student union hope you have a continued pleasant month of December and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I (KSK's best and only Vice Chairman) of course want to thank you for reading and this fantastic year!
David Rosenqvist signing out